Thursday, February 16, 2017

Want to make a fast RTS game? Some interesting Assets.

I was searching throught the Asset Store and in front page in offer i found the [uRTS];

If you always liked to make a Total War kind of strategy game, it seems the choice. Great reviews, a free version, and a free to play game on facebook to check how it looks.

Of course, sweeping to home and making a Sci-Fi RTS, perfect to use with our Strategy Packs assets released the last two years:

Talking of them, I'm working right now in some Strategy Assets.. but far from the ground, and you'll see the first previews soon. Also I had the project to make some Historic Strategy Assets, but they'll have to wait a bit. 

Good Game making!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The last Tabletop Figures is out, Chess.

After some holidays delay, Tabletop Figures: Chess is out, a small cheap package with some quality on it, judge for yourself in the pics and sketchfabs.

Check it out on the Asset Store!

Tabletop Figures Chess

Two sets of Medieval detailed Chess figures, a Western-Occidental set and an Eastern Muslim/Ottoman set, with Eight boards, 

Tabletop Figures Chess

Tabletop Figures Chess

Tabletop Figures Chess

Tabletop Figures Chess

Tabletop Figures Chess

See some Sketchfabs (3d views of the product) here:

Tabletop Figures Sketchfab Gallery

And if you want to buy it,

  Check it out in the Unity Asset Store

Ulterior information:
Next projects will be a totally different thing, wait for it ;)