Monday, December 18, 2017

Starting to sell 28mm wargaming figs on Shapeways!

After half year of stealthy videogame programming, and sculpting miniatures for such game, I've started a paralel project that I've always want to: Making physical figures 28mm heroic figures for my own rulebooks (made from ten to five years ago).

Two months of researching about 3d printing and later prototyping, professional resin casting, and other methods, I've uploaded to sell my first 28mm heroic scale high detailed mini in Shapeways.

Alannah first 3d cast painted in shapeways

After having in consideration several ways to produce miniatures (prototyping and resin casting being 1# and still a project to want to do, and I've been casual resin/pewter casting the last 15 years), I thought that I could in my spare time between jobs just upload miniatures and sometime in between upload the rules PDF to understand the game.

Very very happy with the first mini and its painting (yes, it's just a "standard sci-fi human" (with a skimpy jumpsuit)), and the first alien minis that are up to come, And as every time I put to sell a product I'm happy because is a product of hard work and creativity, but always wanted to make Galactic Battlefare universe physical, and is a little start.

Working on a second mini, and hope that in my spare time I'll can upload at lest ten in a pair of months.

In the other way, I'm gonna doing some printable versions of my vehicles already at sell for Unity like the Strategy Packs

Well, after this quick update, I'll continue working, cheers!

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Not dead!

We're making a pause of Asset publishing in Unity, and preparing some art and coding for videogames. A tip:

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Two Assets on Sale in the Asset Store!

We are on the Unity Sales!
7 years Entertainment on the Unity Sales

Check our featured products on sale! ;)


In the meantime, we keep working on two new assets! ;)

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Two years of Unity Assets Sales, an statistic light insight (part two)

Asset launch and number of asset on sell has an important impact on the average sales of all products, because visibility.

In this example, when we where beginning, we can see that number of assets increase, not exponentially but close, the average view of all products;

Asset launch and average views from 2014 to 2017

As we can see, the number and variety of assets ensures a higher average number of views, but not necessarily exponential. Normally a launch cause a peak of views because temporary the asset is in the list of "new", a peak that endures from two to four days.

Some assets had worst peaks because the hour of final launch, but this is a factor that usually is not controlablle by the seller.

View time:

This numbers are understable only because we right now only sell 3d models:

The average view time of the assets from 2014 o 2017 is 39 seconds.

 It's a futile statistic, the important is; Most of sessions are ten seconds (a rapid view of images and first lines of description of the assets). This is obvious not a sale. 

The second statistic is an average view of from 1 minute to 5 minutes; That's may mean a sale; Good pics, good description. 

View Time Conclusion:

If you are selling 3d assets with no scripting, if you can catch the attention of a viewer during 1 minute o 2, you may have a sale.

Here conclude the second part of the analysis. If I have time, I'll do a third part;)

I'll let you with links to our best selling assets, at least, to study what they make them more viewable/purchasable. 

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Two years of Unity Assets Sales, an statistic light insight (part one)

The first part of this little insight; How many people by language or country has visited our products in the Unity Asset Store the last two years:

By language:
Unity Asset Store visits by language

By Country:

Unity Asset Store visits by country

Visitor Flux:

The main gateway of entry to view my products was the Asset Store itself, 

The 90% of visitors watched one product and left our products.
The 10% left looked another product of our stock.
From this 10%, the half looked a third product, from that half, another half looked a fourth product, and so one.


From an average calculation, in this two years, there has been 1 Sale per 50/200 views.

This is somewhat a very light calculation and in Second part of this analisys I will cover up more the specifics, but I hope this little analysis helps new Asset sellers. 

Keep in touch!

And look to the awesome assets on store! ;)

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Want to make a fast RTS game? Some interesting Assets.

I was searching throught the Asset Store and in front page in offer i found the [uRTS];

If you always liked to make a Total War kind of strategy game, it seems the choice. Great reviews, a free version, and a free to play game on facebook to check how it looks.

Of course, sweeping to home and making a Sci-Fi RTS, perfect to use with our Strategy Packs assets released the last two years:

Talking of them, I'm working right now in some Strategy Assets.. but far from the ground, and you'll see the first previews soon. Also I had the project to make some Historic Strategy Assets, but they'll have to wait a bit. 

Good Game making!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The last Tabletop Figures is out, Chess.

After some holidays delay, Tabletop Figures: Chess is out, a small cheap package with some quality on it, judge for yourself in the pics and sketchfabs.

Check it out on the Asset Store!

Tabletop Figures Chess

Two sets of Medieval detailed Chess figures, a Western-Occidental set and an Eastern Muslim/Ottoman set, with Eight boards, 

Tabletop Figures Chess

Tabletop Figures Chess

Tabletop Figures Chess

Tabletop Figures Chess

Tabletop Figures Chess

See some Sketchfabs (3d views of the product) here:

Tabletop Figures Sketchfab Gallery

And if you want to buy it,

  Check it out in the Unity Asset Store

Ulterior information:
Next projects will be a totally different thing, wait for it ;)