After a lot of hours of sculpting here we have the first alien for Galactic Battlefare 28mm miniature wargame, the My'trils!
My'trils are a race of warlike tiger-like hunters, 8 foot tall, fast and strong. This my'tril is a standard navy soldier suited with a Shock Axe (electrified blade) and a Slug gun (a primitive balistic weapon).
My'tril inspiration: My'trils are inspired by most cherised cat-like races from science fiction, like Mr'shan (Master of Orion) or Kilrathi (Wing Commander), but are specially inspired by the Kzinti from Larry Niven's Known Space books Ringworld. They are similar in style, but unlike Kzinti they have long tails.
Check them out at shapeways!
I'll complete a Mytril Away Team, and then I'll think if first make some more away teams before starting to publish the game rules, or start right away.
See you!
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