Monday, December 18, 2017

Starting to sell 28mm wargaming figs on Shapeways!

After half year of stealthy videogame programming, and sculpting miniatures for such game, I've started a paralel project that I've always want to: Making physical figures 28mm heroic figures for my own rulebooks (made from ten to five years ago).

Two months of researching about 3d printing and later prototyping, professional resin casting, and other methods, I've uploaded to sell my first 28mm heroic scale high detailed mini in Shapeways.

Alannah first 3d cast painted in shapeways

After having in consideration several ways to produce miniatures (prototyping and resin casting being 1# and still a project to want to do, and I've been casual resin/pewter casting the last 15 years), I thought that I could in my spare time between jobs just upload miniatures and sometime in between upload the rules PDF to understand the game.

Very very happy with the first mini and its painting (yes, it's just a "standard sci-fi human" (with a skimpy jumpsuit)), and the first alien minis that are up to come, And as every time I put to sell a product I'm happy because is a product of hard work and creativity, but always wanted to make Galactic Battlefare universe physical, and is a little start.

Working on a second mini, and hope that in my spare time I'll can upload at lest ten in a pair of months.

In the other way, I'm gonna doing some printable versions of my vehicles already at sell for Unity like the Strategy Packs

Well, after this quick update, I'll continue working, cheers!